What's New
"Murmur" Papercut wins a place in International Competition
Papercut Finalist in Competition
Quite delighted to find that my Papercut "Murmur" has won through to
be a Finalist in the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation Wildlife Artist
of the Year Competition 2022.
This is the first time I've reached this stage in the International Competition,
so I am understandably delighted!
The DSWF Wildlife Artist of the Year is an internationally renowned wildlife
art competition and exhibition, which since 2008 has raised more than
£1.2 million for DSWF's ground-based conservation partners across Africa
and Asia.
The Exhibition will be held online from 1st September to 2nd October 2022.
be a Finalist in the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation Wildlife Artist
of the Year Competition 2022.
This is the first time I've reached this stage in the International Competition,
so I am understandably delighted!
The DSWF Wildlife Artist of the Year is an internationally renowned wildlife
art competition and exhibition, which since 2008 has raised more than
£1.2 million for DSWF's ground-based conservation partners across Africa
and Asia.
The Exhibition will be held online from 1st September to 2nd October 2022.

Murmur DSWAY